Saturday, March 12
Habit Three; Put First Things First / the 7HHEP
“Things which matters most must never be
at the mercy of things which matters least”
HABIT Three; Put First things first / the 7HHEPPrinciples of personal management:
Q1:What one thing could you do ( you are not doing now) that if you did on a regular basis, would make a tremendous positive difference in your personal life?
Q2:What one thing in your business or professional life would bring similar results?
Posted by AyyA:: at :: 10:52 PM::

Q1: Eat healthy and exercise
Q2: If i had at least 50,000RO i can triple it....right this min. I have something that can garantee 100% profit
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1- Expose my balls more often
2- Being caring and productive in the fake materialistic world we live in
1- Ass whip society for being so lazy
2- Try to be less compassionat, and vent out the anger
More insights to your answers to Q1, Q2, would be in the next post, so stay tuned.
And thanks sweetheart for the compliment, and I want you to know that I’m a fan of your blog as well :)
Your answer to the second question does not count; I want something that is within your ability to do through the available tools, try again ;)
mosan mosan
LOL dude, but no seriously what ever I said to the flower above goes to you too, give it another shot :)
Bo Jaij
LOL, that was really funny, you reminded me Of 7saino Abdelrida in one of his plays (don’t remember which) when he mocked khaleegi men treading in their dishdasha’s with legs open, to show how heavy their balls were, heheheeeeee man you’ve got balls!!!
Your answer to the second question is more like what I’m looking for though :)
Mad M2000
Hmmmmmm, interesting, but give me another answer for Q1 ;)
stop working with morans
Could you do that though?
I dont know you tell me
I’d say prepare yourself to work with morons is more like it, coz there is no way you can avoid working with them wherever you are :)
A1:Have sex.
A2:have sex with a professor.
Beatnik LOL
Go get married or have a boy friend girl if you want to have regular sex, I’m sure that a lot out there would offer their services freely if sex is your only wish. But how can you guarantee that when you have regular sex with your professor you’d improve your professional life? Ha?…Ha?.. Naughty girl ;)
1- excersize & eat healthy.
2- more money .. & more .. & more still .. money money money money ;D
1) Become more organized
2) Gain the recognition that I seek
Trusting myself and gain self confidance with my work
Does that count?
Ayya! I cannot believe you missed that one. I am a student of Law(pro studnt), what better advancment than sleeping with lets say the professor of Civil Law? the damn thing is so hard and the ppl involved in civil cases are so goddamn picky and often dumb they get themselves into a lot of shit for simply putting in the wrong date. you bet your ass it makes a difference.LOL
You have to work for money dear
Thanks for sharing dear and stay tuned
The Expert
Anything specific you want to be creative in?
Yes that is more like it dear, thanks, next post will be out soon.
I don’t know about that girl, I studies Engineering in the States, my mind is limited when it comes to these things, wi kil wa7ed wi 3alamo ;)
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