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Wednesday, March 2

To You

I'm waiting--for you
No anticipation?
Inspires my revelation
No missing?
You're in proximity
No love?
But what is love?
No deal?
A comforting feel
No set dates?
Excites my wait
No bounds?
The zenith of bounds

Why wait?

You paint a rainbow
Amidst my typhoon
As stars in your shadow
Glitter my dreams.
You have your way
With an exquisite touch.
To keep in touch
With my undulating realms
You liberate the savage
Out of my cage
And to my delight
You yield it tame

Infatuation and lust?
Not enough to explain
That's why it seems
I still wait--for you

Posted by Hello

The Guest by: Thomas Love

Posted by AyyA:: at :: 3:46 AM::


Blogger Jelly Belly said...

that was beautiful ayya :)

9:19 AM  
Blogger Peach said...

Yes it was ;)
& I love the view in the picture! If I was in that pic I'd rase to the sea and plung in as soon as I'm awake ;)

11:42 AM  
Blogger Purgatory said...

am coming, be patient ;)

12:47 PM  
Blogger pstpst said...

you know I suck at poetry but this was easy enough for me, and I like it. but what disturbs me most is that I am not waitng ,when did I lose those feelings of anticipation I have no idea why or when. I want them back. i want to become gentle and feminine and wishful....... alot of things I lost.

4:18 PM  
Blogger AyyA said...

Thanks sweetie, you are beautiful

Thanks to you too honey, this window resembles the one I have in my bedroom, only it opens to a wide balcony and the beach is further down. That’s why I chose this painting, and also notice sun rays on the walls; it gives this freshness to the whole picture.

Yes dear and I’m waiting, but don’t take too long coz I might change my mind and hook up with another ;)

I swear I knew you’d like this one, and dear sensuous; don’t fret, it will only be back in the right atmosphere and with the one who clicks, just wait.

An honor for me is your comment dear fellow poet :)

6:26 PM  
Blogger Purgatory said...

No. You won't ;)

7:15 PM  
Blogger الا نبيذي said...

لانني انحاز دائما الى القصيدة التى تقرأ بالف شكل ومن الف زاوية وبالف عين

ولانني اعرف يقينا ان المفردة السهلة هى المفردة العصية

ولانني اؤمن بالظل ولا اؤمن بالضوء , او على الاقل لانني اؤمن بان الظلال هى الاصل والضوء نتيجتها وليس سببها

ولانني مهووس بحقيقة ان الشاعر الحقيقي هو من يكتب قصيدة ليقراها هو بنفسه وليس الناس قبل اى شىء

ولانني اؤمن بالانثى اذا احترقت شعرا

ولان روحي تقتات على الكلمة فاعرف مذاقاتها الاسطورية

ساقول يا اية بان قصيدتك ( وايد روعة )

9:34 AM  
Blogger AyyA said...

Dear Al-Anbeathy:
First of all let me thank you for dropping by, second let me bow my head to the presence of another poet on my blog. Your description of your genuine feelings toward my poem added might to it and that flattered me. And I wanted you to know that this is one of my early trials in freestyle poetry, I was advised by a friend to do that. I’m more into the old school rhyming style and all my previous poems fell in that category.
And please accept this as a genuine feeling towards your presence; it is an honor to me.

1:43 PM  
Blogger Jewaira said...

Lovely, AyyA.
And the picture is just perfect. Means so much.

2:21 PM  
Blogger AyyA said...

You too sweetie? hey this must be my lucky day to have you all poets enjoying my poem, tell you what, that encourages me to try freestyle more often, thanks sweetie

6:00 PM  

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