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Tuesday, March 29
Time for Love
Awesome contradiction 
Water running through the creeks
“splish” splashing at my feet
Like a god of ancient Greeks
My soul soars with each heart beat
As I float and float in space
Circle around the universe
Halt when I find you face to face
And melt in your divine embrace
I perceive your virgin eyes
Twinkling through your feathery hair
Too shy to keep up with my stare
In ecstasy I rise and rise
Yet I know you’re far away
I reach for you and you’re not there
“Dust in the wind” is my affair
Waiting game I play each day
Longing for you is an addiction
Kind “a” sweet, kind “a” bitter
Do I enjoy this, or do I suffer
What an awesome contradiction
“In the Wake of the Underground Sun” By Andrew Gonzalez
Posted by AyyA:: at :: 11:12 AM::

I love it...my favorite part in your poem "Dust in the wind is my affair...waiting game I play each day."
I can relate to it so much...but today is a good day for me...(al7emdallah) I'm in a great mood...I got a phone call from someone I haven't heard from in ages...and that person always makes me happy.
I send everyone love and joy today :*
I’m so happy for you dear, inshallah dayem, you deserve the best
Akh Ayya I cannot get over your romantic sense.one day one day.....for me.
Hey DJ
Thanks sweetie, I guess you needed that now that you are back in the cozy arms of your hubby ;)
Yes inshallah one day, love is beautiful.
moving ball, moving ball, moooooooooooooooooooooooooving ball!
It’s not a ballllllllll it’s yin yanggggggggggg, see I could do some tricks before you get back and teach me how ;)
My Dear Ayya. at the moment my mnd is telling me somthing is missing. fornow i think Ive tried it all as far as am concerned all typs of love but my own which Ive been avioding for the past DAMN 5 years thats long for someone young no?I was reading the book sex in the city which I bought in Italy so as not tire my mind and well I simply did not like the analysis of all those deviant, or variant whatever they liked to decribed sex, but for personal rasons I know what they are talking about and well it simply is not me, what is shocking that it is happening in Kuwait. And ive decided for myself and was what i always I wanted for myself as a teenager i want somting normal! and as ive learned to be a little indifferent to love, this book made me retract to be honest and well your site and the contributions of others like the EXPERT made me rethink everything concerning love and sex.well I hope through you and others like you I just might start believing again in throwing myself into it if I ever get the chance again after alot of thinking, without complcations of too soon sex. My mind at the moment is busy wth studying yes, and I do not feel lonely. wich means it is not an imidiate problem, am just glad that through experience and that book and this site, there is some kind of a balance that I see am managing to pin point what is me and what is not , what I want and what is simply too messy and hurtful to others and me. As am going to lebanon the chance of platonic romance and friendship is always o offer and by time you never know no? I love the ppl thee and it will be so freshening to be around them after Kuwait. I feel bad for ppl of Kuwait and the seriouse social problems and lack of values. this is not a way to lie and I feel compassion towards them more than anything. I have not been touched yet by the hashness and I thank god for my strength, but to know at the back of my mind how curroped every relation becomes here does scare me. And you know 7abibi i really do not belong here. but your site and relentless believe in romance and love regardless of the games make it so exilirating to know tha thee is hope.
Thank you Expert of a simple poem but yes a very loving one.
The Expert
You are really an expert in exhilarating my senses with your lovely poems. I truly admire a person who appreciates poetry, therefore; allow me to bow my head for you Sir.
Although love does not have a season, but I think it’s the spring fever in the air that lets these feeling flow easily. It doesn’t matter how much experience we had, or was it love or only sex which in itself is a form of love for some , it all boils down to one thing; we need it. But the thing is, we should not go seek it, it will find us one day. Love is life, in good times and bad. Imagine yourself being with one person that you care for and nothing is missing in your life; imagine that you live a life of endless happiness that is not blemished with any misfortune. Then how would you know that you are happy if you have not experienced the opposite? See the little yin-yang up there dear; that is love, balance, good times and bad, excitement and agony, it is a vast contradiction isn’t it? But surely is an awesome one.
So let’s try to make the best of it, keep the happy times as much as we can and not ruin it with travails, and believe me nothing lasts but the memories.
BEAUtIFUL Beautiful
and the painting oh it took my heart oh really amazingly bea6iful
Very Nice ;) and the pic is awsome!!!! I think ama pay this artists web site a visit. who did u say he was?
*@@* nooni
Hi there, those eyes are cute by the way. Thanks dear I’m glad you enjoyed it. The painting is awesome, this visionary Artist never seizes to amaze me with his works, it’s a great desktop as well just stretch it and see for yourself.
Thanks 7abeebti, the artist’s name is A. Andrew Gonzalez but unfortunately his main site is banned in the region, but I have most of his works stored on my PC, you can check this site for some of his works: http://www.sublimatrix.com
I will be posting more of his works in the future inshallah.
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