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Wednesday, May 24

I have a question

I have a question
How many times have you lost your phone line!
How many times you pleaded to get it back!
How many times you had to draw water from tankers!
In a country so small and rich
As this precious land

How many times were you disgraced
With “the right person in the wrong place” or
Visa versa!
How many times in long lines
You waited
And in silence

Do you call this democracy!
Hell; you witness everyday
Your own slavery

That was the ground
On which Jasmine buds flourished,
Orange blossoms united
To salvage the ruins
And free themselves
To feel the breeze
Of democracy
To direct Kuwait to “the path of correct”
And not visa versa

Would salvaging the land
Conquer personal wealth?
Or would the faithful son
Remedy his sick mother land
Instead of selling her cheap?
Pardon me Shakespeare,
But; “This is the question"

Anas Lirshaid, your sacrifice will not be for nothing

Posted by AyyA:: at :: 3:55 AM::


Blogger ولاّدة سابقاً ... رانيا السعد ...رانية المنيفي حسب الأوراق الرسمية said...

عدد المرات التي والتي والتي كبيـــر في هذا الوطن الغني الصغير

إلا أن عدد ضربات قلوب الشباب المفعمة بالحب أكبر لذا سينتصر الياسمين
ليس بالضرورة أن ينتصر في هذه الانتخابات ولكن يكفي أن يتكاثر الياسمين ويلون السماء بالبرتقالي الرائع

8:04 AM  
Blogger AyyA said...

I really hope so princess; yet reading the newspapers lately; elawtha3 ma tibashir ibkhair. Gowa elfasad is in full force. But I still have hope in “nabeeha khamsa” group.

12:19 PM  
Blogger Hazolat said...

To tell you the truth, when it comes to Kuwait, not only politically, but on many levels, to put it frankly .. everything's crap! Excuse my french.

Deerat Karton really, I do not know how it's still standing really, almost everything's disfunctional.

But I do believe in one thing, however, which is the goodness of the Kuwaiti people. It's the people of Kuwait I love, admire and am proud of.

They're the only thing that's stopping me from packing up and gettin' the hell outta here.

2:07 PM  
Blogger ولاّدة سابقاً ... رانيا السعد ...رانية المنيفي حسب الأوراق الرسمية said...

تاريخ الكويت كان دائماً حافل بقوى الفساد والسنوات الخمس عشرة الماضية أفسدت من أفسدت

اليوم هناك أمل فما قام به الشباب البرتقالي ثورة حقيقية هزّت الحكم وجمّعت القوى السياسية على اختلاف توجهاتها

على الاقل هذه القوى جعلت ولاّدة تصفق للعدوة الذي أختلف معه في كل شيء عدا الشعر...قوى الشباب خلصتني من بعض تعصبي وأصبحت أتقبل وليد الطبطبائي بعد أن كنت أدير التلفاز إن ظهر على الشاشة
عل الأقل هذه القوى الشبابية انتشلتني من أجواء أدوية الربو الخاصة بابني وأدوات التنظيف وأواني الطبخ وكتب تربية الأطفال وجعلتني ألتزم بالمشاركة في الأنشطة لأيام متتالية

التغيير الذي احدثه الشباب تغيير غير عادي...فسيزرع هؤلاء الملائكة-الأشقياء البرتقالييون الجنة في أرض الكويت رغم أنف شياطين الفساد

يــــا حلـــــوهم

5:19 PM  
Blogger Jubran said...

عندما تستيقظ أورورا تتشح بالبرتقالي وتنفث عطر الحرية في سماء الوطن.

2:15 AM  
Blogger AyyA said...

Fi shay ga3id yigargi3 ibgalbi
If we support the 29 MP’s how could we assure that they’d keep their stand after winning the seats? A lot of the members within the 29 group belong to some Islamist groups, and if the constituencies issue did not take the same pressure from the MP’s as it did in the dissolving parliament, then you can only imagine the blend of MP’s with a majority of Islamic groups in the next majlis that we have to live with four more years.
What worries me is the idea of fighting a monster and creating the dragon. If you know what I mean.

thank you, that was simply beautiful.

6:14 PM  
Blogger AyyA said...

For some reason my comment to you was dropped out, but here it goes again:

I believe the situation in Kuwait is really difficult for the following reasons:

1-A royal family that lost people’s respect due to their immature fight over power and control, which took it’s peak during the transition of the rule after our late Amir’s death. And now is surfacing again with Shailk Ali Alsalem nominating himself for Elsulaibikhat constituent, if the rumor is true.

2-A “ ishiyookh abkhas” kind of government; ba99amah type. Ishiyookh abkhas is an idiom; for those who can’t understand Arabic it means; sheikhs know better. My dad told me today that the origin of this idiom was a story of a slave who was unjustly slashed by Abdulla Mobarak in the forties by a stick called khayzaranah (you can still find it in bait Elbahar). In those times there were no justice courts of the sense we know today and whoever was found guilty with crime, this slashing was his punishment. Anyway; when people asked the slave why was he punished when he was not found guilty, he uttered “ishiyookh abkhas”.

3-A diverse blend of mentalities; liberals, tribal driven by their tribes, shi3a driven by their mullahs in 7osainiyahs, Sunni driven by their different groups, then comes the ones that do not belong to any of these and mistakenly are labeled liberals at times and Islamists at others.

The majority of people have given up hope for reform and gotten used to playing along with government games in return to get whatever they can, and some did it to live peacefully; especially with the situation in the neighboring countries. They do not want to fight the oppressor, and they are contented with the peaceful space they have in comparison with others.
Yet; how long can Kuwait survive with such management; A government that have proved time and again its weakness and a parliament of “ma kari”? Not very long I’m afraid. Therefore; a strong parliament with MP’s who are honest in fighting corruption and assuring more freedom and respecting human rights is a must for Kuwait’s survival. But how can you get such a parliament in this mess? The government had already started in full force to prevent it. And what is their tool? Political money and “divide to conquer” method. And these are the two things that I believe we should fight at this stage: Expose any illegal transactions and vote only for the one YOU believe in and not the ones imposed on you by family and friends or even your group.

8:20 PM  
Blogger Hazolat said...


I have nothing to say but give a really pain-filled sigh. Kuwait has been terribly corrupted and defiled for so long and by so many that all hope is gone for me.

9:51 PM  
Blogger AyyA said...

sorry; it's Fahad Salem Alali and not Ali Alsalem

10:09 PM  
Blogger ولاّدة سابقاً ... رانيا السعد ...رانية المنيفي حسب الأوراق الرسمية said...

أتفهم تخوفك وأشاطرك إياه ..الموقف صعب للغاية على الجميع ونواب الإسلام السياسي يختلفون معنا في أمور جوهرية رئيسية يصعب تجاوزها ..ولكن في هذه المرحلة نحن بحاجة لنواب لم ولن يؤجروا أيديهم للحكومة

المتابع لمعركة حقوق المرأة السياسية يجد أن النواب الحكومييون صوتوا مع المرأة وهم ذاتهم الذين صوتوا للإحالة للمحكمة الدستورية منهم جمال العمر- خلف دميثير- طلال العيار

هؤلاء مخيفون فهم يفتقرون للموقف المبدئي بل مجرد نواب بصّامة إن صح التعبير

أما الإسلاميون فأجندتهم واضحة وصدقيني أنهم خائفون أكثر منكِ ومني فتواجدهم بيننا وتناقشهم معنا يثير حفيظتهم...وبعضهم ركب موجة البرتقالي لأنه يعلم أن الشباب الليبرالي قادم لا محالة وأن ثورة الإتصالات والعولمة أضعفت من شعبيتهم وأن عدم قبول الآخر منهج أكل عليه الدهر وشرب فالآخر سيخترقك من خلال وسائل الإعلام

العالم يتجه نحو مزيد من التسامح والتعايش وهذا ما سيضطر له نواب الإسلام السياسي

والله أعلم

12:00 PM  
Blogger AyyA said...

Thanks dear for convincing me, you are right; this election is not a normal one. And our participation in it is only to fight it. Or otherwise not participate at all if we are honest with ourselves in fighting corruption. Yet; not participating might be a big risk, so we don’t have any better choice do we?
To be honest with you; this decision was very hard for me to take, but I’m willing to support the 29 Mp’s, no matter what is their history, only if they have dissolving this new parliament a priority in their agenda by bringing the 5 constituents issue as the first issue discussed in the new cabinet session.
Thank you sweetie; I feel much better now.

10:38 AM  
Blogger Mohammad Al-Yousifi said...

goood job Ayya - walladah:)

12:45 PM  
Blogger ولاّدة سابقاً ... رانيا السعد ...رانية المنيفي حسب الأوراق الرسمية said...


أنا أعتمد عليكِ كلما اختل توازني
واحتجت للمزيد من التسامح والإيجابية

كلماتي انعكاس لتأثيركِ البهيج عليّ فالشكر لكِ

12:45 PM  
Blogger AyyA said...

Thanks bro :*

What are friends for?

1:57 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Love it

11:04 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i left a comment on 1 of the pic's on the flick thingi ... be smart and find it ...

12:40 PM  
Blogger AyyA said...

Thanks babe, I’ll check flicker first thing in the morning :*

Being polite is something and telling the truth is another. I could never be impolite, yet, always tell the truth, as to my knowledge and belief, otherwise; I won’t say anything at all.
Now let’s go back to your question;
To be honest with you, I don’t want anyone’s interference in Iraq, yet, having the troops there is mandatory, especially at this stage. And as for us Kuwaitis; the troops are actually giving us some sense of security, no matter how that may sound.
Iraq had gone through years of torture and injustice. The brainwashing damage that the late regime did to people’s mentalities is not something that can be overcome overnight, it needs time. People have to believe in their freedom before they can apply democracy. The first step to human rights is to separate religion from state. This did not happen in Iraq because people did not know what their rights were; they were driven by their sentiments to their groupings; be it ethnical or cultural. I don’t believe that Iraqis are better off on their own, at least not now with all this religious prejudice, and on top of all that you have Alqaida presence which for sure would not have Iraq’s security in mind, not for one second; they are seeking control in troubled land,in every each way. Now this is the real threat; the expansion of political Islam in the region.

2:16 AM  
Blogger Trina Flowers said...


Kuwaitis are attempting to rid their government of corruption which is rampant and effecting all aspects of life in Kuwait for both Kuwaitis and expats.

I personally don't see what the American military presence in Kuwait or Iraq has to do with Kuwaitis trying to eradicate corruption in their own government.

However, it has already been well-documented that some Americans, Kuwaitis, and Iraqis are ALL guilty of corrupt practices in the "war effort" on several fronts.

Therefore, if that's what you're asking I still don't think Kuwaitis are as concerned with that type of corruption as other types have a more direct and negative impact on their individual lives more so than the "war effort" corruption does.

6:39 AM  

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