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To those who can’t be with us today
While I was sitting in a crowd
Click clicking my camera
As if shooting a national theme
Of some gigantic opera
Not attending much to speech*
And much enjoying the screech
Of my beloved camera
An ex-MP** sitting next to me,
Distracted by the sound
Asked, what was this all about?
To comprehend my stamina
He looked as if loads of pain
Mounted his fragile frame
He looked astounded by the crowd
Protesting our shame
I said “Sir; I beg you to see
Our kids who live too far away
To witness the glory of today
When youth had made history
Of Shakespeare’s
“To be or not to be”
The ones yearning to be with us
Raising the flag
Damning with pride
The bandits who crucified
The heart within our hearts"
And then I ruefully added
”for them the sceneries are loaded”
A sheer glow suddenly smoothed
The grooves within his tired face
He suddenly looked as if his years
Were lifted with no trace
Hope sprung from his eyes
Mercy thrilled his smiling teeth
And with a gist of youthful pride
He backed away on his seat
Handing the view over to the lens
With such a classy treat
I saw him screening a flashback
To shoot his old aspiration
For those saddened by the sense
Of their absence within the lens
In spite of their dedication
To those who live behind the net
His eyes delivered a message;
“Your souls had started a stampede
Dressed in orange pride
To liberate our Kuwait-
The heart within our hearts”
* In Diwan Elrashid
** ex-MP: Abdullah Elnebari
(When youth had made history
Of Shakespeare’s
“To be or not to be”)
Couldn't have said it better
see u there ayya .. & i will be looking for your orange sleeping bag
Wow ..
I'm overwhelmed. Speechless.
I personally always felt i was there with you guys. Thanks to you Ayya and everbody else posting pictures and discussing what happens everyday.
Thank you very much. Made my weekend =)
Thanks sweetie
And make sure this time you say hello :*
WAW, I'm flattered, I wish you were with us :*
You are with us sweetie; in every conference, every corner, every street, basically; everywhere, and I'm sure whatever we are doing here to put you in the scene is nothing compared to what we are witnessing.
Dear Rabab
The picture usually speaks , that's true , but hey , poem like this one would be enough to move me to the factual scene , I'm telling you this in case your camera didn't work , your words will satisfy me
Very touching Ayya. See you at tomorrow's stampede. And I agree with Illa Nabeethi, sometime a word is worth a thousand pictures :)
Wonderful photos and coverage AyyA. Such a great effort. Thank you :)
Illa Nabeethi
Shahada a3taz feeha, especially when it comes from a poet like you :*
What is your problem exactly? Do you suffer from STD?
Akeed I’ll be there sweetie, la wil 7ab 3alai to keep us awake all night :*
Lady J
Thank sweetie, I’m trying my best.
Hatha 7alich intai, and you only missed a few diwaniyas, how do you think others feel?
Yes, we are lucky to be here especially at this time, see you tomorrow sweetheart :*
Where have you been?
We love Kuwait
Lovely gesture, and I hope you can post it on the blogger’s diwaniyat elithneen; Sa7at Elsafat for more people to see. Thank you.
Just dropped in to say Ya36eech il 3afya on all the efforts you've been doing. And although I miss your almost daily posts that I have grown to love, I know that you're spreading your warmth to everyone surrounding you. God bless you :-)
oh ayya! i loved your poem. cant wait for the pics
Thanks sweetie for dropping by, my mind is only occupied today with my duty’s call. I did not even continue my Beirut diaries, la wi barat 3anah LOL.
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