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Monday, December 5

Good Morning Pal

It is amazing how we don’t notice and appreciate people that we encounter with on daily bases until they’re gone. Those people whom we develop some bond to but never take the effort to tell them how much we appreciate them. We are too consumed in our routines of the day; we debate, consummate. We agree, disagree. We fight, make up, split, unit…. As so on and off until the end of the list. And although we well know that everything changes and that these same people are going to be somewhere else tomorrow, but we never take time to think about that. And when they’re gone, their good deeds pop into memory and develop the first real appreciation to that person. And we wish that we had taken the time to tell them how much they meant to us.
If you are in your office now, take a good look around, check the people you are with, and say a nice word to them, especially the ones that go unnoticed among the crowd. It will not cost you much, but you’ll know on time that you have gained a lot.

PS; Painting: “Herobot steps out” by: Dave Archer

Posted by AyyA:: at :: 9:11 AM::


Blogger Papillona ® said...

Good morning sweetheart

We don't notice those good people 'cause we're usually too busy being selfish.

Good post Ayya

11:59 AM  
Blogger AyyA said...

Halla 7ayati
Oh yes that too, but most of the time it’s our absent mindedness. We need to relax our minds once and a while to be able to think straight. Why are we always in a run? Why not appreciate things around us and slow our rushing pace? Why are we busying ourselves with our errands, isn’t it to enjoy life? Then how can we enjoy life if we keep rushing through it?

11:04 PM  

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