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Sunday, December 18

Bloggers / Pay Attention

This is very important to all of us

Posted by AyyA:: at :: 6:39 PM::


Blogger q80_demon said...

I had similar thoughts earlier today while reading about the "prohibitions" on Al-Watans first page :-((
Why even bother with such restrictions and lets just ban books or reading altogether.
An innocent question: how many of our legislators have heard of Bradburys "Fahrenheit 451"?

7:52 PM  
Blogger AyyA said...

That is

Ah, I see more than that, any free thought will be banned. It will hit us right at home since there is no real freedom of expression more than the blogging community.

8:07 PM  
Blogger I the Beholder said...

The list of books we can’t read, the ideas we can’t contemplate and the opinions we can’t express is getting tediously long! But what can you do when most people agree with them?

And q80 demon, they don’t read, full stop. Oh wait, maybe they did, this is the first step and the firefighters are coming later to take care of business.

9:10 PM  
Blogger iDip said...

Damn! they forgot to mention that reading, writing or praising blogs is "a crime by law".

we should demonstrate for a blogs-ban ..... ALLAHU AKABAAAR!!


I think -sooner or later- one or more of our 'distinguished' MPs will raise the issue of blogs ..... unless they disappear like abu 7afs

10:43 PM  
Blogger Jewaira said...

Doesn't look good at all, does it? :(

11:14 PM  
Blogger Papillona ® said...



11:40 PM  
Blogger AyyA said...

It will not stop there, once a list of “the forbidden” (elma7thoran) is decreed as a law of the State of Kuwait, then all will fall into the same category. And blogging is publishing, even if it was not official. The law by itself would discourage a lot of people from writing their honest opinions. The circle is closing dear. I just want to know; where are the liberals? Why aren’t they doing something about it? Isn’t this a part of our legislation ( 7riyat elrai wi elta3beer)?

9:19 AM  
Blogger q80_demon said...

This law is a shame, but in order to discuss its effect we should take into consideration that it comes to compliment an article in the constitution of Kuwait:

مادة ٣٦: حرية الرأي والبحث العلمي مكفولة. ولكل إنسان حق التعبير عن رأيه ونشره بالقول او الكتابة او غيرهما وذلك وفقا للشروط والأوضاع التي يبينها القانون.

Now, I’m not an expert in the constitution, but lets read the “list-of-forbiddens” again. It appears to me at least that the law now would interfere with the mandate of that constitutional article: if one can no longer express his opinion regarding religion, corruption, proposed contracts and treaties, … etc, then which - and whose - opinion does that constitutional article protect?
The law comes to complement the next article (#37) of the constitution:

حرية الصحافة والطباعة والنشر مكفولة وفقا للشروط والأوضاع التي يبينها القانون.

but again, that law would limit the freedoms guaranteed to us by the constitution. Now, is there a way around this apparent linkage between the articles of the constitution and any proposed laws. Interestingly, there is article 175:

الأحكام الخاصة بالنظام الأميري للكويت وبمباديء الحرية والمساواة المنصوص عليها في هذا الدستور لايجوز إقتراح تنقيحها مالم يكن التنقيح خاصا بلقب الإمارة أو بالمزيد من ضمان الحرية والمساواة.

This means that the constitution itself could be amended only if such an alteration guarantees and grants further freedoms and equalities. Now, such a ("hypothetical"?) change could be altering the articles above to remove the references to the law in both articles.

Just my 2 cents :-//

11:38 AM  
Blogger ولاّدة سابقاً ... رانيا السعد ...رانية المنيفي حسب الأوراق الرسمية said...

شيء محزن فعلاً
ولكن ماذا عن التدوين؟ هل سيطولنا الموضوع
لقد كتبت مؤخراً عن حلق عمر بن الخطاب لرأس شاب وسيم لمجرد أنه سمع إمرأة تتغزل بجماله

يا حسرتي ما لي خلق قضايا...ترى آنا أحب الستر

2:36 PM  
Blogger Elegance said...

لو أنا مكان الصحفيين بالكويت أطلع الجرائد الكويتية خاليا تماما من العواميد الصحفية وبيضاء ناصعة بدون حبر ولا أي نوع من الكتابة، يمكن يعجب أصحاب الأمر المتخلفين
I suggest to the press to issue the newspapers without any column, as white as snow, as a protest to this absurd-new-so-called "Mahthourat" lists.

7:30 PM  
Blogger Hanan said...

If this goes on it's gonna reach education. We'll end up having our school children read numb non-poetry written by this and that nobody in place of the Ahmad Shawqi's and the Mutanabis.

11:55 PM  
Blogger AyyA said...

Thanks buddy, your two cents were really helpful and I hope that this could be an asset to the liberals for refusing to accept these conditions. But I sure hope that prominent writers would concentrate on proving that these “prohibitions” defy article 175 of the constitution.

You can go ahead and delete that post :p
As for me, I guess I have to delete my whole blog :)
But ma7thorat or not, I won’t delete mine. The day that I stop talking my mind is the day when I’m dead. Take that from me.

Wi ana ham wiyakom

That would be a good idea. Imagine for a whole week all the newspapers are issued with blank pages as a protest. LOL
But I doubt that Alwatan would join the protest.

Having those hard liners in power and the frightening silence of the liberals would soon take the country years backward. So don’t be surprised if our educational system retained its heritage with “el mo6aw3a” with a stick in the hand citing” al7amd lilah allathi hadana…….amen”. I think it’s just a matter of time.

11:47 AM  
Blogger ولاّدة سابقاً ... رانيا السعد ...رانية المنيفي حسب الأوراق الرسمية said...


ينصر دينك ودين فهد عافت

11:54 AM  

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