Tuesday, December 6
Brain Washing Starts Early
This is an excerpt from 12th grade government school, religion textbook, pages (71, 72)
" قوامة الرجل على المرأة:
و سر جعل القوامة علي المرأة للرجل ما ذكره الله في كتابة ( الرجال قوامون على النساء بما فضل الله بعضهم على بعض و بما أنفقوا من أموالهم فالصالحات قنتات حافظات للغيب بما حفظ الله) النساء : 34
و التفضيل هنا مرجعه الفوارق فى الخلقة و التكوين , و لالتزام الرجل بأعباء النفقات للزوجة و الاولاد , فقد اثبتت بحوث العلم و تحقيقاته , أن المرأة تختلف عن الرجل فى كثير من جوانب الصورة و السمة و الاعضاء الخارجية , الى ذرات الجسم و الخلايا , و مع بلوغها سن الشباب يعروها المحيض الذى تتاثر به افعالها و مشاعرها . و جوارحها , و تدل براهين علمى الاحياء و التشريح على ان المراة تطرا عليها تغييرات مدة حيضها بان تقل فى جسمها قوة امساك الحرارة , فتنخفض حرارتها , و يبطئ النبض , و ينقص ضغط الدم , و تقل عدد خلاياه , و تصاب الغدد الصماء و اللوزتان و الغدد اللمفاوية بالتغيير , و يختل الهضم , و تضعف قوة التنفس , و يتبلد الحس , و تتكاسل الاعضاء , و تتخلف الفطنة , و تقل قوة تركيز الفكر , و اشد على المراة من مدة الحيض : زمن الحمل , حيث لا تستطيع قوى المراة ابان حملها ان تتحمل من مشقة الجهد البدنى , او العقلى ما تتحمله فى عامة الاحوال , مما يختل معه نظام جسمها كله , و يستغرق بضعة اسابيع , و بذلك تبقى المرأة مريضة او شبه مريضة مدة تسعة اشهر بعد قرار الحمل , و تعود قوة عملها نصف ما تكون عليه فى عامة الاحوال , و اذا اضفنا الى ذلك خصائص الانوثة نفسها التى تجعل لديها قدرا كبيرا من العاطفة و الوجدان , بينما لا تبلغ ذلك فى امور الفكر و النظر , و الرجل عكس ذلك تماما . فهمنا لماذا جعل الاسلام القوامة على المراة للرجل , و ان ذلك لمصلحتها و مصلحة الاولاد و و لو كان بيدها و هى بهذا الوصف لاضرت بنفسها و بالاولاد من حيث لا تدرى و لا تشعر"
فرض الحجاب على المراة و منعها الاختلاط بالرجال:
وسر الحجاب للمراة بينة رب العزة فى قولة ( و من يقنتن منكن لله و رسوله و تعمل صالحا نؤتها اجرها مرتين و اعتدنا لها رزقا كريما, يا نساء النبى لستن كاحد من النساء ان اتقيتن فلا تخضعن بالقول فيطمع الذى فى قلبه مرض و قلن قولا معروفا. و قرن فى بيوتكن و لا تبرجن تبرج الجاهلية الاولى و اقمن الصلاة و ءاتين الزكاة و اطعن الله و رسوله انما يريد الله ان يذهب عنكم الرجس اهل البيت و يطهركم تطهيرا, و اذكرن ما يتلى فى بيوتكن من ايات الله و الحكمة ان الله كان لطيفا خبيرا) الاحزاب 31:34
و الاختلاط بالرجال ضرره معروف , فلو المراة خالطت الرجال , لكانت سهاما تتراشقها العيون و حينئذ تختلط الامور و تذهب رسالة المراة بددا.
و ذلك امر تاباه الفطرة السليمة و العقول الراشدة , فالحجاب صيانة لعفة المراة و حفظ فطرتها , و هو فى الوقت ذاته لا يتعارض و قيامها بدورها فى المجتمع اما و مربية و معلمة و طبيبة و داعية تؤدي دورها كما يؤدى الرجل دوره."
The book was written by Dr. 3ajeel alnashmi, Dr. Alsayed mohamad Noo7, Dr. Mobarak saif Alhajri, Ahmad sa3ad Almineefi and Kholood Aldayeen.
The reference for the scientific research mentioned above is:
"معلمة الاسلام للاستاذ انور الجندى : المجموعة الاولى : 452-453 بتصرف"
Can anyone see the contradictions here; if women are sick most of the times, are they legible then to take care of raising a generation? Are they legible to manage their households? And why did the reference come from a methodology book and not a scientific one which states facts?
And why did they deliberately discarded the condition in the first verse” bima fathal allah ba3thahom 3al ba3th wa bima anfago”?
And isn’t the second verse of Quran directed to the prophet’s wives, and a stress on “lastona ka a7ad min alnissa” and " Ahl albait"
Who are the ones who wrote these books and who are the ones who edit and approve it? Why our kids have to be at the mercy of this ideology, which is based on fiction and not facts?
I wish I could literally translate this passage to English, I really wonder what Dr. Condoleezza Rice thinks about herself being less than a half of a person.
Posted by AyyA:: at :: 1:12 PM::

this is very insulting...I'm outraged!
ok we all know qawamt il rajol 3ala il mar2a bil nafaqa.
شرح الموضوع غير منطقي
اش هالمأسات!!! مسكينة المرأه!! وعليياعلينا! ياتني البجية وانا أقرا مأساتنا الفيزيائية
"و قرن فى بيوتكن و لا تبرجن تبرج الجاهلية الاولى "
في أحكام تطبق فقط على نساء النبي.
مثال: زوجة النبي لا تتزوج بعد وفاته. شنو يعني؟ كلنا مانتزوج بعد وفاة أزواجنا مثلا؟ لأ طبعا..
hefffffffffff bas 3assabt!
I'll be back later. I have so much more to let it out!
This is beyond insulting, but not surprising at all lil'asaf.
Quran might not be AS discriminative as al Nashmi and his gang, but it is.
Honey, a whole faculty is subjected to this ideology, and thats the kind of people it aims to produce, so what do you expect?
Nice blog, congratulations:)
Greetings from Chile to Kuwait and Salaam to you! Visit my blogs and make a comment, you are welcome!
So, I'm back!
I'm rrrreally pissed off! My friend was just telling me about this incident in one of the goverments high school. There's this 'islamic' teacher got her laptop to school to show the girls a video of (3athab il gabir) and voices of people screaming and being tortured in their 'graves'. I mean WTF!!!!?????
شنو هالتسيب ؟؟ اش هالفوضى! الناس يودون بناتهم المدارس عشان يشوفون أفلام رعب و حق غسيل المخ و ما ينامون تالي الليل بسبب هالكوابيس.. وتقولونلي دين! أي دين أي بطيخ؟؟
بصراحة أنا أفضل إن الدين ما يكون تدريسة إلزامي بالمدارس.. إذا هاذي مناهجهم؟؟ كل واحد يعلم عياله الدين في بيته أبركله. ما راح أسمح ان أحد يفرض على عيالي هالأفكار .. كل من ألفله كتاب و يالله! على كيفهم
I'm still pissed offf..
I might come back again
عجيل النشمي...فقيه السلطة...خل يوليّ بالكويتي الفصيح
يقول الشاعر
قل للوزير نصيحة
لا تركنن إلى فقيه
إن الفقيه إذا أتى
أبوابكم ..لا خير فيه
تسطيح للأمور وتسفيه لا يستحق سوى أن نضحك منه ونمضي لنحتفل بأنوثتنا أيتها الصديقة
I don’t blame you
I hear you sis, but I think that we need to do more than just get frustrated.
What surprises me more is where are the mothers of those kids who take this crap? And how can they answer their kids when they question them? I personally HAVE TO tell my kids the truth, and ask them to only memories these to pass his/her exams. But notice by doing so I’m teaching my kid to be passive and dishonest. Is this the way we want to bring up our kids? And by the way; bullshit like that in this book were plenty, I just used these passages as an example. This is really frustrating.
I do understand that it’s the whole community. But having that in school text book is beyond compare honey. These kids have to memorize it to be able to pass. In other words it shapes MINDS. And what about us citizens? Where are our rights of thought? Why let a bunch of illiterates control the minds of the new generation; our kids? This will backfire on us one day, if it didn’t already. I believe if we had a small percentage of democracy you would have seen protests all over the place. But like every thing else in this country, we are passive, we just complain.
eduardo waghorn
Thanks and welcome
I wish that someone with authority reads your poem. And what surprises me more is that one of the authors is a woman. Ishloon tertha 3ala nafisha halkalam?
Who are the bozos who wrote this dribble? Probably a bunch of losers who couldn’t pass beyond the 8th grade in school and went to ma3had deeni insteed and eventually got their questionable qualifications from some kuleyaat sharee3ah. And funny, they talk of “scientific investigations” as if they know anything about true science.
Papillona; about the teacher who demoed the voices of 3athab il-q”abr to her students: LOL! Another indication that our educational system is going down the drain. If this is a typical example for the men and woman who are raising our next leaders, then we can kiss our future goodbye.
Walladah; I second your opinion and love the poem.
Great post AyyA, and btw did you get my email?
It is shameful, but maybe they have a point; I mean, who would come out and say they have half a brain and even write a book about it! :P
They amaze me with their ability to convince people to stop using their common sense.
great post as usual :)
It seems to me that we are going back to the system of “ almo6awa3” with some cliché. Notice the big Dr. in front of some names. Two of which are Egyptians, wi mo be3eeda yekoonoon min elekhwan. And it would’ve been much easier to deal with if it was a teacher or two; we are talking about a text book for God’s sake.
And yes I got you E-mail and thanks dude for the offer.
"I" .. the Beholder
They don’t convene people to stop using their common sense, they force it hon.
LOL. No magic wand can make these people disappear, we have to do that. And I wonder where is the minister of Education from all this, does he believe in this garbage as well? I think we had enough.
This is not surprising for me. Our educational system is going down the drain. Why can't they accept the fact that religion is a personal believe it should not be obligatory. My little brother was banned to participate in the school's music band by his religion teacher, 2 years ago, after lecturing him that music was "Haram" (forbidden). Now they only play for religious or national songs. How depressing!
تخيلي لو كل مرأة بالكويت على الاقل طبقت نص هالكلام جان ما نشوف جنوس و لا بويات عندنا
جان تغيرت امور وايدة
بس وين التطبيق ؟!؟
تساؤلكِ في محله
وأعجبتني المناقشة في هذه القضية الدينية
من الأخوات المشاركات
بما أنها تمس المرأة
وهذا غيض من فيض
ولكن ... لا تناقش المسألة هكذا
بل يجب بحث الأمور من مصادرها
ومعرفة لماذا تم تبني هذة الفكرة دون غيرها
علما بأن هناك آراء دينية أخرى لا ترى هذا التشدد
وهذا هو المنهج العلمي الصحيح للبحث
وليس مجرد وجهات نظر ممزوجة بالأحاسيس الأنثوية الرقيقة كما عبرت أكثر من مشاركة عن إستيائها
يوجد تيار ديني متشدد في البلد ... يتبنى منهج معين
وتفصيل الأسباب التي أدت الي تفرده بالدين
دون غيره له مقام آخر
وهذا التيار هو الذي يرسم الإطار الديني العام للدولة
علما بأن هذا الأمر لا يجعلنا نكره ديننا وأساتذة العلم الشرعي الذين لهم كل الإحترام والتقدير
وعذرا ً .. لكنه موضوع جذبني جذبا
تحياتي لك ِ
Thanks for your valuable comment. But as you well know, it is obvious that this ideology got to dominate our society due to the government’s political misconduct. In this case not much can be done to actually alter it. But nevertheless; bringing such issues to the attention of the public which in most cases are ignorant of such practices would at least stir something. And I do believe that what my commentators protested against is valuable in a sense that shows that not everyone is happy with our education system, or more accurately our brain washing system. This type of education that confuses the young minds.
Incidentally; I ran acrossthis article which really expresses my point of view as a parent, and believe me, it isn’t easy to be complimenting your child’s education at home when you, yourself do not believe in what he’s been taught at school.
And btw, I roamed around you blog and although not much have been published, but I liked what I read. Keep it up coz I’m sure I’ll be visiting more often :)
Beginning with the title 'brain washing starts early'. I believe that brain washing for us Muslims starts at a much earlier stage than elementary. It starts by parents (not all though) as soon as we're able to comprehend information.
We are brain washed when we reach the age of 2 by family and friends, each trying to instill their inherited 'do's and dont's' into us. Even though they might have our interest at heart. It is still wrong.
As for men and women in Islam .. what can I say except "are you kidding me"?
How can you read so many verses in the Qur'an and Sunnah, and still believe that Islam was fair to women? Walla I can't believe the extent of how people can accept just about anything without really thinking about it, or knowing what it is.
As for what's been mentioned about women in those books, I say what a crock!
What really astound me at times when I read a subject about Islam honoring women is that most of the authors are women. As if they have not felt the discrimination ever since they were little girls. And they give the very reason why women are treated like second citizens to prove this honor. If this is not brainwashing, what is?
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