Posted by AyyA:: at :: 7:05 PM::

Tuesday, February 1
IF; an Effort to Change the Mood of Today
Thought of today:
"There are two things-ACTION and IMPACT behind the action. Even if the action is ordinary, the impact must be positive, productive and creative"
I've been humming this song all day, wana join the choral?
Feel I'm goin' back to Massachusetts,
Something's telling me I must go home.
And the lights all went out in Massachusetts
The day I left her standing on her own.
Tried to hitch a ride to San Francisco,
Gotta do the things I wanna do.
And the lights all went out in Massachusetts
They brought me back to see my way with you.
Talk about the life in Massachusetts,
Speak about the people I have seen,
And the lights all went out in Massachusetts
And Massachusetts is one place I have seen.
I will remember Massachusetts
Edge of the Universe
Just my dog and I at the edge of the universe.
Well, I didn't wanna bring her and I know it'll make her worse.
Now I look out on forever and it must be nice down there.
And they call me Shenandora* in the air.
Well, I'm ten feet tall, but I'm only three feet wide.
And I live inside an ocean that flows on the other side.
If I came back down tomorrow, would it all be far too soon?
And it looks like it's gonna be a lovely afternoon.
I thought that I was going home,
and all the way I kept on prayin'.
I couldn't stop to turn around;
well, here I am and here I'm stayin'.
It's been my longest journey and I've come through the black of night.
I was tired and hungry when I saw your distant light.
Well, I know this may sound crazy, but I'm sure I got here first.
I'm just me, Shenandora, at the edge of the universe.
I thought that I was going home,
and all the way I kept on prayin'.
I couldn't stop to turn around;
well, here I am and here I'm stayin'.
Just my dog and I at the edge of the universe.
Well, I didn't wanna bring her and I know it'll make her worse.
Now I look out on forever and it must be nice down there.
And they call me Shenandora in the air.
"The people of Aladi, daughter of Omun, were the first humans on Chenar. A people faithful to God, they lived in the plain of Shinar during the building of the Babel tower, but they did not participate in the work. After the Scattering, a strange being of light visited Aladi. He offered her people a chance to leave the world of Men, with its sin and strife, and go to another place.So it was that humans first came to Chenar, transported supernaturally by the spirit called Shenandora. In later days, Shenandora would become a figure of legend around which the Rising Sun faith would be built--but little definite truth is really known about it."
At the edge of the universe... (repeat 1000 times and relax, you'r in heaven)
Posted by AyyA:: at :: 1:44 AM::