Wednesday, April 27
Domineering Lover
He is a continent
With passionate East
And condescending West
In which I’m totally content
He’s possessive
At times aggressive
But ironically;
He yields me frantically submissive
He has the switch
To enter my in’s
And counter in’s
And get me entirely bewitched
If love has a name
Then it must be his
If joy came short
Then I’m blissfully in bliss
He never was mine
But I’m always his
If that sounds cynical
Then I’m definitely whimsical
Posted by AyyA:: at :: 6:25 PM::

Monday, April 25
A Spiritual Day/ Raja Yoga
Satarday, 23rd of April; I attended a one day retreat on The Art of Being Peaceful, Powerful and Purposeful in Kuwait Village in Alfintas. The conference started with a welcoming note from Sister Wajeeha Al-habeeb, Director of Kuwait American School. And then Sister Aruna Ladva( Director, Bahrain Meditation Center) started the conference with an hour of “Discovering Spirituality” session, another half an hour in group meditation. Then through the “Dance away the stress” session we did some yoga exercises in the open air for about an hour. Then we gathered around on the grass and talked about “health and Nutrition”
After lunch we attended another 3 more session with the titles “who am I really and what do I really want?”, “Silent time:”re-visiting the laboratory of my mind” and finally “self motivation". All throughout the sessions some time was spent in group meditation.
The retreat (they prefer using this terminology) was awesome although the organization was not very encouraging at the beginning, but once the sessions started; the whole 9-5 hours just flew in serenity and tranquility. And I think I got recharged for a week. You see; group meditation is not like meditating alone, it’s much more powerful and the feeling I can best describe as being light.
There were around 30 people present from different cultures and religions; they had one thing in conmen; the love of God that emanated through their relaxed and vibrating faces.
As I mentioned earlier the organization was a bit lousy; I did not know about it until a day earlier and by the phone. Or else I would have advertised it for whoever is interested. Anyway there is supposed to be another one on Friday 13th of May, I’ll let you know when this is confirmed.
Annnnnnd I’m planning to visit Mount Abu/ India next October for a 10 day spiritual retreat. :)
Here is something that came to mind while I was there:
Group meditation
I long to fly
I long to reach beyond the sky
Tell the music; skip not a cord
As I linger in my zone
The tiny light, in a center
Zoomed out a brighter circle;
All colors danced around;
Rhythmically tight
As I continued my flight
The bliss inhaled through mighty air,
Was something beyond compare,
Emanated through the lovely faces
And rode on a floating course
And it reached me
The being
The soul
As I continued to soar
Posted by AyyA:: at :: 7:16 PM::

Thursday, April 21
A fantasy
He comes to me;
A broad, massive shoulder,
Tall and lovely in his skin;
The way I love it
His golden rays defy the sun
His youthful body defies the ocean
He comes to my rescue
Only to find himself
Thawed in with me
He touches my hand;
Moist wet fingers
I give him the look
And he gets hooked
Just the way I love it
Now we undress
Now we feel
Now we move
And now, the point is clear
It’s mine and I love it
Posted by AyyA:: at :: 8:03 PM::

Tuesday, April 19
Mabrook Elbaladi
Just got the news , women are granted their rights to participate in municipality; One more cobblestone towards the parliament.
Congrats to all human right supporters.
Posted by AyyA:: at :: 2:16 PM::

Sunday, April 17
About a month ago I read “Brave new world” by Aldous Huxley and this posting is not a review about the book since I have already done that in it’s proper place in CBC, I only wanted to mention an idea that occurred to me while reading one of the incidents in the book, and to do that I have to give a little background of the utopian world that Huxley invented as his new world, and I find nothing more suitable than using his own quote to bring alive this world:
“The world’s stable now. People are happy; they get what they want, and they never want what they can’t get. They’re well off; they’re safe; they’re never ill; they’re not afraid of death; they’re blissfully ignorant of passion and old age; they’re plagued with no mothers or fathers; they’ve got no wives, or children, or lovers to feel strongly about; they’re so conditioned that they practically can’t help behaving as they ought to behave. And if anything should go wrong, there’s soma.”
Soma as defined by the author is a drug used to relax the mind and bring about a blithering bliss.
In one of the on going actions the police force used soma sprays and anesthetic guns to calm down what seemed like a riveting riot. After using soma people would get more apologetic and try to use logic in settling their disputes. Which got me thinking; why not use such drugs in fighting violence instead of using the destructive machines? The harm is less likely and the effect is good.
Another question crossed my mind; would we be happy in such a utopian world? Assuming that we don’t know what sadness is; would we know what happiness is?

Posted by AyyA:: at :: 3:59 PM::

Thursday, April 14
So We’re Back
The ancient god
Was on my bed
Relaxingly alert
To my touches
To my clutches
On his treasures;
I fed him love
He fed me pleasures
We did not ask why or how
We did not discuss politics
Nor we did human complex
In fact we hardly talked
But each of us knew
That nothing can outdo
Us together

"Twins" By: Jere H.Allen
Posted by AyyA:: at :: 1:06 AM::

Thursday, April 7
A Brain Storming Session
With the escalation of events in the country
Is Kuwaiti parliament dissolution becoming an inevitable matter? If so, then what do you think the implications of such act would be on democracy in the country especially to issues concerning women’s political rights?

Your intellectual participation is highly appreciated
Posted by AyyA:: at :: 4:48 PM::

Tuesday, April 5
Love is in the Air
I want you to know
Flesh, Lime and Jasmine united
With a pinch of a Musky scent
Still floating in the air
Long after you departed
Bantering touch all over me;
A kiss here, a caress there
A wraith in the dark is following me
Relentless to keep me alighted
Your scent, your touch
Your very sole taste
Connive as such
To keep me delighted
Subtle and serine you leave me be
As if we have never parted
Such sweetness I will ensue
Till the day we’re back united
Know this
Only for you
My utmost bliss:
Forever and ever I am indebted
For this flare that you ignited

Amore by Andrew Gonzalez
Posted by AyyA:: at :: 1:14 AM::

Saturday, April 2
Who Will Pay the Price

To be prosecuted or not to be????
This is the big question
Check this, this and this
Posted by AyyA:: at :: 5:17 PM::

Friday, April 1
A Never Ending Ordeal

I opened the door to start my day
The magnet cliché compelled its way
To tap the right side of my brain,
And probe the mordant refrain
It's done !!!
The gourmet is done
Was it medium, rare
Or well done!
April 25th I have a date
For forty years I had to wait
Never too late
Patience was always my trait!
Preparing for a so called feast
On which my rights were cooked by a beast
On high fire occasionally
And languidly on low heat
40 years to prepare a meal
Would it poison me to death!
Or would it restore my breath!
That's another chapter in my ordeal
Happy April fool’s day

Posted by AyyA:: at :: 12:39 PM::