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First house: block 1, St. Haram Bin Sinan, house number 15
169Husain Ahmad Sultan Mahboob
123Hissah Khalid Ibrahim Abdelrahman Eltiwaigri
170Hamad Waleed Mohamad Jasem Mohammad Almubarak
61Khawlah Abdelrahman Ali Abdelrahman Almulla
62 Khawlah Abdullah fudalah irhamah alsilaity
460Marzooq Adel Yaqoob Jasem Shaheen Alganim
76Waleed Muhammad Jasem Muhammad Almubarak
Total number : 7
The last name; Waleed Almubarak is an ex-player in Kuwait Club and now he works in the administration office of the same club, and Hamad is his son. And if we exclude women’s names, we see how diverted each name sounds Also notice the opening in the wall where I guess a window used to be. This house looked and felt deserted and there is no way that seven adults could be living under it’s roof.
Second house: block 1, St. Nisif Elyoosif, house Number 34
263 Aman Johar Saeed
5 Basima Ahmad Ibrahim Almasood
89 Bashayer Naser Abdullah Abdelazeez Almasood
7 Tahani Jasem Mohammad Salem
14 Jameelah Mohammad Alabdelkareem Aljohar
100 Johar Easa Johar Mabrook
142 Khalid Ali Johar Saeed Aman Alaman
33 Aisha Mohammad Faraj Alhowaili
90 Abeer mohammad Abdullah Mohammad Alali
182 Foziyah Aman Johar Saeed
91 Faysal Ahmad hamad Aljohar
15 Maryam Ahmad Hamad Aljohar
146 Mona Ahmad Hamad Aljohar
245 Muneera Mohammad Ali Sultan Alsidairawi
96 Nida Abdullah Ibrahim Mohammad Alkhlaifi
Total number : 15This house is around 500 m2, it looked also deserted with a seemingly broken hinged doors. I asked the Bangladeshi who was watering the front pavement if there were any residents; he said he’s new and there is only one Kuwaiti he knew.
This house belongs to Faysal Aljohar, Mariyam and Muna sound like his sisters, the rest of the names do not fit to be in the same family. But regardless of all this; this house does not look like it could accommodate 15 adults coming from several families. I also found out that Johar Mobarak is a resident of Alroodah and not Aldahiya.Could this be one of Marzooq's name transfers!!!![]()
Third house: block 1, St. Nisif Alyoosif, house number 44
41 Badriyah Saleh Mohammad Saleh Alfahad
102 Jarallah Mohammad Abdullah Alsuood Aljarallah
164 Mona Saleh Mohammad Saleh Alfahad
Total Number: 3
This house was actually a big puzzle; although the name Ahmad Bader Alroomi was printed on its entrance door, there was no Ahmad Alroomi registered on the electoral sheets nor any other names that indicated a family member. The house was large and only three people were registered as it’s residents; two sisters from Alfahad Family and Jarrallah Aljarallah whom I found out that he's a resident of Aljahrah and not Aldahiya. Another big question mark.
No, that’s not all, check the next post please
Fourth house: Block 1, St. Yoosif Alrumi, house Number 6
143 Khaleefa hmood Ali Khaleefah Alshaheen Alghanim
139 Khaleefah Zayid Fhaid Zayid Alammar
85 Dalal Abdulwahab Fahad Ibrahim Abdulazeez Almutawa
177 Faysal Nazar Ahmad Yoosuf Alnisif
369 Mohammad Nazar Ahmad Yoosuf Alnisif
457 Mishal Yagoob Yoosuf Mohammad Alduaij
Total Number: 6
This house was another puzzle; the name printed on the door says Abdul Razak Ma3rafi, and looking in the list I found one name that matches but the address was not complete. The name was Abdul Razak Abdullah Mohammad Ma3rafi, a merchant born in 1947, and no other family members with the same name. yet, there are 6 adults who are supposedly occupying this address. Five males with different family names and one female. I also found out that khaleefa Alammar is employed by QNet and his residence is Salwa and not Aldahiya. Mishal Yagoob is also not Aldahiya resident. Could this be some type of name swapping deal?
Fifth house: Block 1, St. yoosuf Alroomi, house number: 34
101 Johar Aman Johar Saeed
19 Hisham Yahya Mohammad Alayoob
Total number: 2
Such a huge house for only two, no? I found out that Johar Aman’s sresidence is Alroodah and not Aldahiya.
I could not take the picture of the sixth house because there was a jeep with Alghanim logo in front of the house and the driver noticed that I was checking the house and he followed me until I was away from the area. The house was about 500 m2, very old, but did not seem deserted.
Sixth house: block 1, St. Harm Bin Sinan, house number: 22
258 Ahmad Kamal Hasan Ali
314 Ismaeel Kamal Hasan Ali
118 Husain Kamal Hasan Ali
131 Khalid Mohammad Husain Rashid Aldamkhi
61 Naser Ali Abdullah Yoosuf
56 Waleed Khdayer Mohammad Ahmad Ali
Total number: 6
Notice no female residents here and Waleed Ali is an ex-player in Kuwait club
Seventh house: block 3, St. 35, house number: 1
114 Bader Barak Yoosuf Yaseen Ali Yaseen
113 Barak Yoosuf Yaseen Ali Yaseen
110 Shareefah Barak Yoosuf Yaseen Ali Yaseen
793 Ali Abdulazeez Yoosuf Abdulwahab Abdulazeez Algatan
95 yoosuf Abdulazeez Yoosuf Abdulwahab Abdulazeez Algatan
Total number: 5
Also here no female residents except for one . Barak Yoosuf Yaseen Ali Yaseen works for Kuwait Club and his residence is Alroodah and not Aldahiya and Bader is his son.
Eighth house: block 3, St. Abo Yoosuf Alghadi, house number 14
232 Ahmad Dekheel Abdulazeez Alesaimi
72 BaderDekheel Abdulazeez Alesaimi Dekheel Abdulazeez Alesaimi
98 Saood Faisal thnayan bin thnayan Alghanim
378 Munther yoosuf Saleem muftah Alnasar
63 Waleed Mohammad Naser Almandeel
Total residents:5
Ahmad and Bader Dekheel Abdulazeez Alesaimi are Marzooq Alghanim’s cousins and Waleed Mohammad Naser Almandeel is an ex-player in Kuwait Club. Also no female names.
Ninth house: block 4, St.44, house number 6
357 Amani Abas Abdulameer Abduimam jawad sulaiman
219 Sara jasem Mohammad Abdulazeez Aljaser
147 Sumayah Rasheed Salem Ahmad Salem Alameeri
778 Abdulmuhsin Abdullah Abdulmuhsin Abdulrazaq Alshiryam
453 Mohammad Hamdan Abdulazeez Alhamdan
96 Yoosuf Abdullah Mohammad AbdullahAbdulwahab Almajid
Total number: 6Three different women with different family names and three different men with different family names. And bdulmuhsin Abdullah Abdulmuhsin Abdulrazaq Alshiryam is a player for Kuwait Club.
There were other registered names in Aldahiya but the addresses were not clear, and here are the names:
Waleed Khdayer Mohammad Ali- A player in Kuwait Club
Johar Issa Johar Mubarak- resident of Alroodah
Samer Mohammad Abdullah Almarta- a player in Salmiya club and a close friend of Marzooq
Msaed Abdullah Ibrahim Alkhezam- a manager in BMW
Abdullah Msaed Abdullah Ibrahim Alkhezam- msaed’s son
And finally;
Majdi Yihya Mohammad Abdelrahman Ganam; a candidate in the second constituent, he works as the human resources manager of A3yan where the head of the administration board is Ali Thnayan Alghanim. Could this be an extra I mentioned in one of my older posts for the benifit of Marzooq? We’ll just have to wait and see.
Well; this was what I could come up with
Wa ma khafiya kan a3tham
ليعلو صوتك
مارسي حقك
إنتمي : صوتي ، شاركي
إنتخابات 2006
عزيزتي الناخبة
إليك بعض المعلومات الموجزة و الضرورية ليوم الإنتخابيوم الإنتخاب : هو يوم واحد فقط و يوافق الخميس 29/6/2006أماكن التصويت : سيصدر بيان من وزارة الداخلية في التلفزيون لتحديد أماكن الإنتخاب على مدىثلاثة أيام قبل يوم الإنتخاب . أو قومي بزيارة موقع وزارة الداخلية على
هذا الرابط
توقيت الإنتخاب : من الساعة 8 صباحا و حتى 8 مساءالهوية المطلوبة : شهادة الجنسية الأصليةورقة الإنتخاب : هي الورقة التي تسلم إلى الناخبة من رئيس لجنة الإنتخاب و تتضمن أسماء جميع مرشحي الدائرةفي حالة فقدان الجنسية الأصلية : تستخرج شهادة جنسية من إدارة الجنسية في منطقة الفروانية في يوم الإنتخاب فقط و يستردها رئيس اللجنة الإنتخابية بعد التصويتطريقة الإنتخاب
إختيار إسم مرشح واحد أو إثنان فقط عن طريق وضع علامة (صح) عند إسمه /إسمها
متى تكون ورقة الإنتخاب باطلة
إذا زاد عدد المرشحين عن إثنان في ورقة الإنتخاب
كتابة أي كلمة أو علامة أو التوقيع على ورقة الإنتخابملاحظات هامة
الناخبة التي لا تستطيع الكتابة لأي سبب من الأسباب ( الأمية،إعاقة،....) سيتولى رئيس اللجنة فقط إثبات أسماء من تختاره على ورقة الإنتخاب
لمزيد من المعلومات
إدارة الإنتخابات – وزارة الداخليةتلفون :4848804،7071245،7871274الحملة برعاية الجمعية الثقافية الإجتماعية النسائيةالرجاء نشر هذه المعلومات للأهمية و شكرا
In the previous two posts I have pointed out the negative aspects of the elections, but this particular election also carries some hope. There are some decent candidates running and we need our full force to back them up.The only woman candidate that is worth backing up, she is a fighter and she was with our move for reform from the beginning till the dissolution of the parliament, if you take a look at my previous posts you’d see her pictures all around. Yes, I do wish to see at least one woman in the next parliament and know that Rula is an asset.I saw the other day some Bangladeshis removing Basil's posters. When I asked them for the reason, they said it's orders from Elbaladiyah. I asked them, then how come they were only removing his posts when his posters were not placed in awkward locations like others? They just moved their heads and did not answer. The strange thing is that when I called “Norah”; one of Basil’s campaigning members, to tell her what’s going on, and by the time I finished my phone call and made another round with my car. The Bangladeshis disappeared!
PS. the names mentioned here are by no means the only ones who deserve our support.
Election time has its own flavor in Kuwait. The whole country looks like …. a chaos.
Driving around can be very dangerous with all the posters and banners blocking the driver’s vision, some posters are creative and some are disgusting.
Repetitive posters; is this some sort of psychology?
Uncivilized; coming from a doctor!
I asked a friend of mine about the reason for some candidates to run, especially when they know that they don’t have any chance to win against prominent figures that have a large electoral base. I know some who have only their family members and very few neighbors to back them up, yet, they won’t hesitate to bear the expenses for the preparations. And this is what he said:
These candidates, especially the ones running in a district where there are other candidates who would pay extravagantly to win the elections are called extras; they wait till few days before the elections and then make a deal with such a candidate to sell him whatever votes he could gather in return to his withdrawal. His neighbors and relatives would be paid and the rest would go in his pocket, in other words it’s all about business baby.
Disturbing scene
Location is an art
Does she think that by blocking the driver’s vision she has a chance in getting his vote?
I’m proud to say that I belong to Surrah area (Al3dailiya constituent), proud that the people of this small area reject to sell their votes in spite of Jamal Alomar and his filthy 500 KD’s/ head and Channel bags. They have voiced their opinion loud and clear through several banners, spread around the area and read as the following:
السره ليست للبيع
الكويت أغلى
أبناء السرهYet, the souls of the corrupt could not stand these innocent banners; they sent their slaves to tear them apart. They insisted on spreading their filth and destroying any effort to keep Kuwait clean because they know, beforehand, that a clean soil is no place for worms to survive.Check out this one
Another one completely distroyed![]()
One on the ground![]()
This is how one looked after trying to put it up
To be continued
Away from the crowd
Soaring, you took me
Drawing a childish smile of a new discoverer
Casting a look of a devious knower
Pinpointing addresses of the grounds
That zoomed out beneath the clouds
But that was not all what you discovered
Nor was all what I endeavored
Taking off into the realms of the unknown
Like Alice in wonderment
Of what could never be any better
What so ever
My little Buddha, my discoverer
My undulating conqueror
That was not all
You dazzled the sun
From which I hid
Under your purring smooth head
You sent the awakened early birds
To draw the morning whiff
And waver the questions of “what if”
Under the security
Of our precious nudity
Immersed in capricious, luscious unity
Where no thoughts scattered
Nor anything mattered
A new day was born, a new sun
The morning after
When politics, business and pleasure
In harmony embraced one another
I stayed away from politics and elections in seclusion for a couple of days to think and gather my thoughts and try to find a solution for my confusion. As we all know, this is not a regular election for many reasons, and therefore I had to put a list of my objectives down to be able to think logically, and here is the list:
- This election took place after the disillusion of the previous cabinet, of which the apparent cause was the reduction in constituents, yet the real cause was fighting corruption. And for me as a burtugally (and I proudly say so), fighting corruption is a number one priority. And therefore promoting the 29 ex-MP’s is a must.
- A considerable number of the 29’s are neither honest nor agree with my mentality, yet, I should back them up in a hope that they’d bring the next parliament down and replace it with a 5 or better yet one constituent that is fair for all parties. And for now, this is just a hope.
- Backing up some of the 29 ex-MP’s like Alkhinnah on one hand and Al6ab6abai on the other contradicts with my principles of human rights and free country. And my biggest fear is beautifully elaborated by Luloo commenting on Princess Wallada’s latest post (I could never say it any better). Which makes backing them up very difficult, if not impossible at times (check the first comment in the above link).
- I’m joining an election of this magnitude for the first time, I’m not much of a politician, yet I dream of a country where different groups and sects can live peacefully together, respecting and accepting each other. A country where our children can have a normal, healthy life. A place where women are respected and trusted. A touristic place welcoming others instead of kicking its own people out in each long and short vacation. And my dream does not end there. My only hope is our constitution that gives such freedom and is open to more freedom, and any any chance of its alteration to less freedom is totally unacceptable
Now putting these objectives in mind, I had to come up with a comfortable decision that would not shake my stand with the 29 ex-MP’s and at the same time would not deter my principles. And this is the best of what I could come up with:
Looking at the election as a whole; the priority of my support would be for the 29 ex- MP. This is easy for some constituents, yet, not so easy with others when a liberal with a large supporting base or a patriotic figure is running against someone like Elkhinnah. In this case my support would be for the liberal. This means that each constituent should be treated individually; case by case.
The other 21 ex-MP’s; especially pro-government MP’s should be brought down as well as others who have the tendency to be one, depending on their dealings with the elections and their historical data.
And here I rest my case, as well as my mind.
Wi ham nabeeha khamsaAn update:يدعوكم تجمع القوى الطلابية إلى جلسة حاور مرشحك
اليوم، الثلاثاء في جمعية الخريجين ، الساعة الخامسة عصرا
المرشحون المشاركوند. ناصر الصانع
د. سعد بن طفله
د. رولا دشتي
السيد محمد العبدالجادر
السيد عبدالوهاب الهارون
Please be there
I read your words late last night, or to be more precise, early this morning and a big smile cracked on the face of the broken hearted; me :)
You have to understand Sir that ma3rakat eldawa2er for elburtugally is a priority. We have our principles, our beliefs and our respect for the word of honor. Alburtugaly as you mentioned included many different mentalities and lines of thought as well as tribal and sectarian divergence, but fighting corruption united us, and nabeeha khamsa was only the lead. We did not feel our differences, liberals clapped for Islamists and Islamists for liberals and that was a very good feeling. Until a group of organized Islamists interfered at the last demonstration and broke our unity. At that very time alburtugally lost its main power; it’s unity. And the elections broadened the gap.
If you check the net; blogs, elshabaka ellibraliya and others, you’d feel that not all are supportive of the 29 ex-MP’s, especially the Islamist, although they all support the fight for five, bringing down the other 21 ex-MP’s and exposing any corrupt or pro government candidate. You’d also feel how the overall trend is going towards Islamite direction. And although this is not an accurate indication, it gives a sense of warning which is not easy to underestimate.
Would Islamists keep their word to have ma3rakat Eldawa2er a priority on their agenda in the next parliament? That is assuming that they get majority seats. Or would they change color as they did with us in the beginning of our real test?
Just few hours ago I had a phone call from a friend who attended the opening of Almutair’s campaign site; she said that some ladies with liberal tendencies angrily left Almutair’s diwaniya among the plea of others to stop them, in support of Almutair ( one of the ex-29 MP’s), while Islamist women rocked the gathering hall with their clapping in a very provocative way. The incident took place when alMutair said that he does not support women running for parliament since women’s participation is considered willaya 3amah which is against our Islamic belief. The women who left his place were anguished with his statement and cursed the day that they took a stand to back up this person who is denying them the very basic right that they fought for more than 40 years back.
You see even between us liberals it’s hard to find unity on ma3rakat Eldawa2er, especially when it comes to supporting certain mentalities, no matter how hard some of us try. And from what I see in women gatherings which has a vital effect on the general outcome of the elections; none of the women Islamist would support the liberals of the ex-29 MP’s, they prefer being used like steps on which their masters climb to the top announcing female slavery in a harem. Or else, how could you explain women clapping for someone who is telling them that they have no right to be here?
A ma3a hatha nil3ag jira7na wi nintikhibhom?
I see it coming big
Huge and loaded
With quizzical, painful
Question marks
It’s a real battle with ammunition
Group tactics
Strategies that defer
In the shades of light and dark
At times it looks as two opponents
Representing light and dark
Both strong
Each to his utmost part
At others it looses shape
Looses taste
Looses the very essence
Of its true grace
Now rest your weary head
Atop my shameless bosom
And drift into
Deep sleep
“Kuwait University's faculty of Sharia, Prof Mohammed Al-Tabtebaei, recently issued a fatwa about how women should vote in the forthcoming parliamentary elections, reported Al-Watan.
In it, Al-Tabtebaei said husbands could direct their wives' voting choice by using their right of divorce, or the threat of divorce, if they vote for a candidate other than their choice. He said that even if a woman does so in secret she could still be legally divorced” Kuwaittimes
Dr. Massuma Almobarak, the minister of Planning declared that this is against woman’s right to practice her freedom to choose who can represent her in the National Assembly. She added that she brought the subject to the attention of the Council of Ministers and she asked Justus minister to give an explanation of such fatwa according to AlGabas
Using religion in politics is the most serious and dangerous tool that some are manipulating as the day of the election is getting closer. Notice the excerpt “even if a woman does so in secret she could still be legally divorced” and imagine what pressure such women are going through, because the matter becomes an issue of 7aram wa 7alal for some women with true faith. Can you see how grave this is? And what implication it has on the structure of a family?
Sorry Dr. Massuma; but I think sterner actions should be taken against such Fatwas that only aim to keep women followers to their men. This is blackmailing of the first degree and I think that Dr. Altabtobai should be taken to court. This is a crime that should be punished by law; it’s against our constitution which has given women the freedom of choice.